Monthly Archives: September 2013

A Cautionary Tale

This is what happens when double unders die in the middle of a WOD

and the Thrusters, even at 35 pounds, are done really quickly.

Tonight is Fight Gone Bad. I haven’t done it in months. The last time I did, I broke an ankle.

In Which We Rip


So I ripped. I let the yarn sit for a couple weeks before deciding to pick it up and knit mittens. I wanted to redo the Games Knit A Long because I figured why let the experience go to waste.

6 hours later, I had a mitten finished. the next morning, the second mitten was done.

I sat there looking at the pair of mittens I had finished and swore to myself, wondering what else I was supposed to do for the next four and a half days. I figured I had more time so why not knit more mittens?  Thus begins the challenge.

AMMAP: As Many Mittens As Possible. 

Time Cap: 6 days. Sunday PM to Saturday PM. 

Size 5 needles. Worsted weight yarn. 

Post WOD Cooldown will be weaving in all ends and sewing on the suede patches I plan on attaching and finally, to upload to Etsy. 

My plan with this, because I have no need for 85 pairs (OK so maybe that’s a bit much) of mittens in my life, is to sell these mittens on Etsy, at work and on Facebook, for profit for myself as well as to donate 50% of the proceeds to DryHootch, a non-profit org for post-war veterans and family members. We donate change and such to them at Badger CrossFit whenever we use the water, so I figured, since I don’t think I’ll be sending the hats to Afghanistan like I did a couple years ago, that I’d sell them and donate the proceeds to a military-organization so I can help soldiers in some way or another.

I hurt my hand last week during the 1RM Clean and Jerk so there’s still a bruise and soreness on my hand below my pinky finger and I’m stuck at work for a good portion of my night before going home to finish the second pair, so I’m unable to attend the WOD tonight (aw shucks. No front squats for Amanda) but there will be WODding tomorrow.

Hope your labor day was great. Mine was spent lobbing arrows at baddies, and then almost dying after getting blasted by some Dark Speech from some beyotch Kobald. Rangers are meant to be in trees with their arrows, not in the middle of a circular room with nowhere to hide. Yes. I played Dungeons & Dragons